BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) or Bring Your Personal Communication Equipment is a practice that involves using personal devices (smartphone, laptop, tablet) in a professional context.
Clean DESK
A practice that involves not assigning personal desks to employees. Desks are cleared, and paperwork is kept to a minimum. Everyone can use any desk.
Coliving or cohabitation is a model of communal residential living that accommodates three or more people without biological kinship. Generally, coliving is a type of intentional community that provides shared housing for individuals with similar values or intentions. The cohabitation experience can extend to a shared workspace and collective efforts for a more sustainable lifestyle. Coliving can also offer a conducive environment for telework.
Coworking (or Cotravail)
A method of organizing work that combines shared workspace and a network of workers practicing exchange and openness; legally this translates into renting shared workspaces.
Coworking Space
A shared workspace. These spaces can foster collaboration among workers.
Security measures to protect personal and professional data.
Data and privacy
Issues related to the protection of information in the context of telework.
Digital Nomad
A practice by individuals whose activities require frequent travel and who can stay in contact with their company through electronic communication means. The nomad spends most of their work time outside the company without a fixed workstation, unlike the teleworker at home. Digital nomad communities, such as Remote Year, support this lifestyle.
Hybrid Work
Hybrid work can be combined with other work modes, such as flex office, coworking, or smart office. The hybrid employee does not necessarily have a dedicated office in their company’s premises. Their workspace and working hours are more flexible than those of an employee working only on-site, allowing for increased productivity. This work mode also promotes well-being and inclusion while reducing the ecological footprint due to less commuting.
Phygital refers to a way of working that combines physical and digital. It allows employees to work anywhere, anytime, and from any digital device. Technologies, such as digital whiteboards, facilitate this type of work.
Smart Office
The Smart Office is a workplace where modern technology is used to help employees work more intelligently, better, and faster. The Smart Office consists of a set of technologies that connect employees, the building, and existing IT infrastructure to achieve these goals. The Smart Office aims to create a more collaborative and efficient work environment, incorporating IoT and AI.
The impact of hybrid work on the environment and reducing carbon footprints.
An organization of work that allows the teleworker to regularly and voluntarily perform a job that could have been done in the employer’s premises, outside of those premises using information and communication technologies. Telework can also include “hybrid work,” where employees work both in the office and remotely.
(in English: telework, teleworking, telecommuting, remote work, remote working, mobile working)
Telework can take place:
- At the employee’s home
- In a “third place” (telecenter, coworking space…)
Telework performed by employees in the private sector or public personnel employed under private law conditions is defined by the employment contract or an amendment to it. A company agreement or a branch agreement can also organize telework in accordance with the labor code.
Concepts related to mental health and burnout prevention.